Strategic activities

What was delivered in 2021-22? 

  • Supported digital transformation through ICS and industry engagement and scoping a research resource to help innovators navigate the digital ecosystem.
  • Developed a health inequalities approach based on proven tools such as CORE20PLUS5 to apply to our workstreams with local systems, using guidance from NHS England and NHS Improvement and Public Health England (now the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities). We have embedded Equality and Health Inequality Impact Assessments into our programme management approach to enable careful examination of the impact of proposed innovations or service change.
  • Established a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) steering group, putting patient insight and experience at the heart of our improvement work, and building relationships with PPI leads across the region.
  • Continued our Environmental Sustainability programme as a high priority across the organisation, with a working group committed to supporting the NHS Net Zero ambition at every stage of the innovation pathway, and membership of the South East Region Greener NHS Board, the AHSN Network Environmental Sustainability Community of Interest group and the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Group.

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