Independent evaluation of the piloting of the implementation of MymHealth (myCOPD, myHeart and myDiabetes) by Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group

Category: Digital Transformation, New Care Models, Outcome Measures

Date: 2019

This evaluation adds to the relatively limited body of knowledge about the implementation of mHealth web platforms/apps in a real-world setting providing in-depth evaluation and key insights into:

·         Enabling and restricting factors (drivers and barriers) to embedding MymHealth in routine practice

·         How patients and clinicians engaged with MymHealth

·         Interconnectedness’ of working together and the complex social dynamics of implementing innovations

The report highlights that clinicians agreed that MymHealth would help patients better manage their condition and increase patients confidence in managing their condition.

This evaluation adds to the relatively limited body of knowledge about the implementation of mHealth web platforms/apps in a real-world settings

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